God Bless America Again Canadian Bacon Video

I really thought we'd heard simply about every line in the book well-nigh who is offended by what.  I was wrong.

Final week, this bulletin came into Law Enforcement Today:

"I watched a couple of your videos and I noticed a trend.  Yous interview cops who kill people but you don't interview the people who they impale."

Kickoff of all…. huh?  Wait.  It gets better.

"Information technology's articulate that you lot people are only a bunch of bootlickers. The icing on the cake is how all yours movies cease.  Your guy uses a white supremacist line."

In case you're wondering what that "white supremacist line" is… here you go.

"God bless America is racism at its best.  Its something you sayin as a subtle bulletin that you white Americans think you lot better than everyone else.  Its why virtually all cops are white.  Its fourth dimension to end you Christian white zealots and your racism in America."

I could continue and on about how police officers come from all different races, sexes, genders, faiths and backgrounds.

I could point out that "God" isn't exclusive to Christianity.

Instead, I think it's important to indicate out that stupid comments like this forbid us from being able to actually tackle true racism in America.  Because if "everything" is racist… than nada is.  How do you differentiate to combat actual racism?

It's a large problem.  And patently common sense has gone out the window.

Did yous know that Police force Enforcement Today has a private new home for those who support emergency responders and veterans?  Information technology's called LET Unity, and it'south where we share the untold stories of those patriotic Americans.  Every penny gets reinvested into giving these heroes a voice.  Cheque information technology out today.

"God Bless America" is now apparently a racist term

Terminal year, nosotros dropped a video with some common-sense solutions to stopping school shootings.  It was meant to spark a chat from what I hoped would be logical Americans.

My bad.  I didn't realize that "mutual sense" had been replaced with hands triggered individuals eternally offended past everything who lack an ability to really adult their way through life.

Amongst my recommendations … nosotros take millions of veterans and retired police enforcement officers looking for work.  Train them, certify them, arm them, and hire them to go along sentinel in our schools over our children.

Apparently that thought was "offensive."

"I'thousand offended that yous would propose guns in schools would be a adept idea," said one Internet troll.  "We don't need more guns, we need more gun free zones!"

Yep.  She really suggested that.

Another point I brought up … we're and so focused on anti-bullying programs that nosotros've stopped pedagogy kids how to develop coping mechanisms to deal with bullies.  That's leading kids to bottle things up and ultimately snap.  Perchance we need to wait at the impact of these programs and whether adjustments need to be made.

"That'due south terribly offensive," said some other Internet troll.  "You lot WANT kids to be bullied?  I can't even talk to you I'one thousand so upset."

Then there was the betoken I fabricated that we're notwithstanding running fire drills in an age where most schools will most likely never fire downwardly … but we're Not running active-shooter drills.

"As a instructor, I remember it's offensive that you lot'd propose nosotros are doing a bad job past having fire drills," said another troll.  "What if a student was smoking in the bathroom and threw the cigarette in the trash?  Information technology could ignite the whole school and kill countless people."

Yup.   These are sadly all real quotes.

"I'm offended that you don't think we should ban all guns from society if we desire to stop people from killing,"

commented the pot-smoking Sanders supporter who has been calling President Donald Trump a dictator for a yr now.  If the irony of that is lost on you lot … read it again.

Society is falling apart – and it'due south not because of the NRA.  It'south because of people who are offended by everything.  I've written on this topic before … but it's time for a refresh.

My daughter isn't allowed to sit down "Indian Style" anymore.  She has to sit "criss cross apple sauce." Because we don't desire to offend Native Americans.

Simply it'southward apparently not offensive to take a knee during the National Anthem.

In that location's an uproar to remove a landscape from the Dr. Seuss museum in his hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts … because there's a pic of a Chinese guy eating with chopsticks, and apparently that is racist.

But somehow creating a scholarship that you tin can only qualify for if you're black isn't.

People are offended by the term "Fighting Irish gaelic" at Notre Dame and desire that inverse.  Except, of course, the Irish who are fighting dorsum against the PC police.

Nosotros need to remove statues of Full general Robert Due east. Lee and others because … fascism.

But apparently censoring speech communication and removing historical references that you don't like isn't fascist.

Nosotros need to alter the emoji of a gun on the iPhone to a squirt gun … because nosotros don't want to trigger people.

But it'southward O.G. for a Democrat running for town council to say that all gun supporters should have been on the Las Vegas strip during the mass shooting.

Rape a woman in Massachusetts and you might get ten years behind bars.  Go caught owning a bump stock (which was totally legal a year or so ago) and you lot now might face life in prison.  Despite, of course, the fact that y'all could fashion a similar device out of a belt and your finger.

Bosses expecting employees to show up on fourth dimension is racist. Violence is completely acceptable if information technology's against President Trump and if it's chosen for by the Left.

Following a bedevilled terrorist is O.K. as long as she'due south leading a "women's protest" and wearing a vagina hat. Costless speech communication is immune on college campuses unless you're a conservative.

The irony to all of this, of course, is that "political correctness" confronting "fascism" has become the very "fascism" that is existence protested.

People are again screaming for more gun laws, saying that laws will keep bad guys in line.  If only we fabricated murder and using drugs illegal … right?

In the concurrently, heart disease kills 610,000 people per year. And so should we ban double cheeseburgers?  Bacon?  Ice foam?  Later on all, if we reduce the number of centre-related deaths by simply 10%, we'll save twice the number of people killed by guns each year.

Ridiculous, right?  Wrong!  We demand to ban everything!

Accept this very article, for instance.  There will be many who don't hold with it.  Shut it down!  Remove it!  Costless speech communication is alive and well as long as it's the kind of voice communication we hold with!

Wait – your school mascot for the concluding 50 years involved a Principal or a tomahawk to pay homage to Native Americans?  Everyone that went to that school is clearly a bigot.

Yous believe that a person should be judged and promoted in the business world based on the person's skills and qualifications and NOT based on sex activity, age, pare color, sexuality, or socio-economical groundwork?You lot a sexist, racist, ageist, xenophobic, homophobic Sus scrofa!

Run into the problem we have here?  Those of u.s. who have common sense are plain the enemy.

Those of us who back up law are now evil and stand by the devil.

Those of us who respect the American flag and the men and women who serve and protect it are at present occupiers, Nazis, and bootlickers.

Those of us who support capitalism, the complimentary market, and the ability for anyone and anybody to work hard and create something and provide for their family are now elitist.

Only hither'south the problem with all of this.

While you lot're off wearing vagina hats being triggered by 50-year-old murals and things like "duck duck goose" in our schoolhouse districts …truthfulincidents of discrimination are happening, because people are starting to become numb to the words.

Plenty is enough.  Information technology's time to declare that "political correctness" is cipher more than than a tool used by those incapable of logic and reason to try to talk downwards to those they don't agree with.

It's time to start treating these individuals as the petulant children they are.  Allow'southward stop pandering to their micro-aggressions and remind them that the adults are back in charge.

Because this is just getting ridiculous … and truthful patriots are sick of information technology.

SHARE this article if you concur!


Source: https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/god-bless-america-racist-term/

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