Ive Been Watching Steven Universe Again Casue Ive Been Sad

Steven Universe (TV Series 2013–2020) Poster

ten /10

Look, I thought this was supposed to be horrible.

Alarm: Spoilers

_Intro_ As someone who avoided this due to consistently hearing online that information technology Is godawful, I am surprised to say this is ane of the best shows I've watched.

Many people hate this show, which is fine; y'all have every right to practise so if you do not like it. I don't detest it, and I honestly feel some of the more negative arguments are fallacious. There are valid points out at that place, the show isn't perfect, but I've found none that substantially altered my opinion. Though many are overly critical to the extent that simply referring to them equally double standards is far from proper justice.

_Filler_ The show has filler; very few don't, merely for one, I don't remember it is a necessity to remove filler. I would contend that that argument would work for a moving picture as only in extreme circumstances should movies take filler, only standards some use, to deem episodes "filler" are desperate. Specially with 10 minutes episodes, I exercise not think an episode is filler if you miss out on something by skipping information technology. For example, I would not consider "Back to the Befouled" equally filler every bit it's a function of Peridot'due south redemption arc. Though episodes like "Onion Gang" are filler and egregious at that, merely existence used for a throw-away line.

_Animation_ While I find the animation to be generally very highly-seasoned, in general, information technology tin feel cheaper than some of its animated counterparts. Though, I feel it is often portrayed as much worse than information technology truly is.

The Off-Model animation was made out as a constant lark that completely butchers the animation. Even so, it is much more than credible when comparing side-by-side images and rarely noticeable when watching the show. Overall, I savour the animation in most episodes of the show. It has a bucket load of unique backgrounds that are consistent with each other in their level of detail. It has expert lighting, it ofttimes uses unique "camera" angles, and the way the "camera" moves rarely jars or does a poor job at conspicuously portraying what is occurring. I likewise capeesh how visually distinctive many episodes are regarding their blitheness'southward style as information technology helps specific episodes become more memorable. Its pastel aesthetic and flamboyant coloring can make its visuals protrude a vibe reminiscent of many retro/indie videogames (more specifically, mostly N64/Gamecube). This is simply helped by the evidence's score being videogame-esque.

Overall, I like the animation; oft, it feels adeptly animated, and I call up the off-model animation marginally detracts from the prove. I merely find information technology distracting in its more egregious circumstances. And the only way I think I could find information technology distracting, exterior of these circumstances, is through a self-imposed tunnel vision practical to attempting to notice it.

_LGBTQ Representation_ I repeatedly hear that the simply reason people like the evidence or that information technology receives praise to any extent is a result of its representation. I can see where they are coming from, some of the show'due south positive attending is from that, but I have very neutral feelings towards this part of the show. For me, it neither adds annihilation nor takes away from the show. Respectfully, if it did not be, I would like the show just as much equally I do now, but if information technology adds something to the show for yous, and then I'1000 happy for you.

In add-on to my quondam point, I appreciate how they write the relationships betwixt characters in the bear witness. Commonly, shows that provide graphic symbol relationships don't explain why they are in a human relationship. Often, it is simply that the plot wants them to exist together. Yet, in dissimilarity, Steven Universe gives valid reasoning for characters to be together (ex. Ruby and Sapphire). Having reasoning behind characters existence together and often compelling/complex reasonings keeps this representation from feeling contrived.

_Plot Holes_ I hear many people say the writing is terrible because it has many plot holes, but I've establish most fallacies with a closer look. Fifty-fifty plot holes I take attempted to suggest, I have proved wrong to myself with some thought, and through this, I have found a surprising corporeality of attention to detail in the show'due south writing. In that location are surely continuity errors, ergo Connie crying in Reunited, just none that exceed the status of a nitpick.

_Characters_ I think some people volition inherently dislike certain characters, and other than finding Steven occasionally irritating early, I detect well-nigh of the graphic symbol arcs to be interesting. The characters feel realistic, which is something I remember very few shows accomplish. Part of this is because almost all of the characters are written fairly in regards to being dynamic. Each character receives a clear starting bespeak to alter from, and most character arcs play out similarly to dominoes falling 1 by one. This makes information technology then that there are clear center points in a characters' development. So they receive explicit endpoints (emphasized by the in-world concept of reforming) that are drastically unlike from their starting points, all the same you tin see the events that brought them there. I retrieve this is how y'all should write characters.

In addition, based on the specifics of a grapheme, most decisions characters make, they accept reasoning for doing. Too, most of the main bandage is unique and nuanced, and how characters behave often relates to one other in an elaborate web of sorts. They created peculiar characters; that often possess depth yet receive dynamics in which they play off one another consistently.

_Fantasy Elements_ I feel this show represents how y'all can utilize fantasy regarding writing. It establishes a relatively substantial corporeality of fantasy elements and consistently employs them to provide unique and frequently enthralling situations between characters, withal maintains the capability of keeping its world feeling grounded past establishing hard limits and properly managing them. I think there are some modest issues with the fantasy writing (Chekhov's gun), but on the other hand, I think as a whole, information technology'south deftly written.

_Ending_ With the direction of making Steven and the Diamonds family, the programme was blatant to redeem the Diamonds. Unfortunately, they did not take enough room to portray/write a proper redemption on the verge of cancellation.

Only I admittedly like the catastrophe. It's rushed, but I don't experience information technology has major loose ends. Most character arcs are under wraps before era 3, and I felt the finale wraps upwards Yellow/Blue Diamonds and Steven's arcs quite well. I wasn't expecting the proposition that Steven's human body would function like the mirror Lapis was trapped in or not, and them getting their way out of this predicament by making Steven a fusion was a very satisfying end to his grapheme. I call up the primary issue is White Diamond. Though I think the problem is that her grapheme is underdeveloped. Not that the show is redeeming "space nazis." The main problem is, they try to portray redemption through a swift paradigm shift. Though they do not establish a coming about of White Diamond'south epitome, nor do they create a scapegoat for her that doesn't crave theorize. They likewise leave the taking accountability and changing aspect of her redemption generally up to inference. More specifically, by them uncorrupting the gems on earth, yous can assume they volition go on to perform similar acts later on (or at least that's how information technology is until Hereafter).

In Future, they portray the Diamonds taking part in more of these acts because they receive new powers that heal rather than hurt. What I am virtually to say may just be me, even though in "Volleyball," they took the endeavour to establish that the diamond'due south powers can change from destructive to healing; information technology feels a tad contrived. At least they portray it to some extent rather than leaving it solely upwards to inference, but information technology still feels like a token try to me.

An example of the White Diamond redemption done right - I feel the movie "American History X," with its master character Derek, portrays an example of what I think they should accept attempted to replicate with White Diamond'due south character. Derek will never make up for some of his actions (similarly to the Diamonds). Yet, they arrive easy for the audience to empathize with him as they bear witness why he developed the paradigm he did and portray him changing/why he goes through a prototype shift. So they testify him attempting to have accountability for his actions.

I know many were disappointed, and while I call up the ending is flawed, I absolutely am happy with it. There is much practiced virtually it, and in general, the pros greatly outweigh the cons.

Side Annotation: I'm afraid I disagree that the catastrophe should have been for Steven to fight and potentially impale the Diamonds. Part of the point of the determination is that he could become a better substitute compared to Rose; this would ruin that. If they killed off the Diamonds, I think the Diamond Authority would've become engulfed in complete chaos instead of changing the Authority for the improve. Y'all may say, well, Steven could accept accomplished that on his own, yet I incertitude that gems would follow Steven. Nevertheless, I think they will follow the same ability already in place, fifty-fifty if its ideals shift. In add-on, they wouldn't have been able to uncorrupt the gems on earth, which were ane of Steven's main motives.

_Closer_ I honestly feel that this is one of the best shows I've watched. It's not a masterpiece, merely it is very avant-garde for many reasons and is a show I'll never forget. Hopefully, if you take read this far, you found something constructive.

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viii /10

A very overlooked serial. Give it a try.

Steven Universe has high potential as an animated series. Nosotros have an interesting bandage of core characters, with the Gems and Steven being the main focus so far. Rebecca Sugar's art really stands out in its excellence and is one of the best I've seen, rivaling anything else thus far that Cartoon Network has released. It's also actually nice to run across more female-oriented animation that isn't always centered around "girly" themes.

I wouldn't say this is what I would call a "laugh-out-loud" cartoon, but the humor delivers through visual gags and dialogue that are definitely worth a fissure or two. I call up this is practiced considering I think a lot of shows nowadays try too hard to exist funny, just fail miserably. The main purpose of this show seems to exist more centered around adventure than anything else, so it seems somewhat refreshing.

Is it worth the watch? Definitely. I have to say, I have never actually been too big of a fan of the newer Cartoon Network, simply Steven Universe has actually kind of captivated me. Sad it isn't equally successful equally I predictable, though. Hoping information technology does ameliorate in the long run.

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8 /10

A very special bear witness

Steven Universe is one of the almost unique and popular cartoons ever fabricated. It's emotional, flawed, and very special.

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10 /10

dear it!

as soon as I saw the commercial for this and saw Rebecca Sugar, I automatically recognized her. She writes a few songs for Adventure Time. the commercial for the actual bear witness is adorable, I think. And in the commercial, she was correct, the characters aren't perfect but that'southward what makes them and so smashing.The animation is cute and I adore the characters. I experience like the characters are very original Although I cannot give a dandy review on this prove, I can say that I am definitely watching more side by side week.

If you are an Take chances Time fan, this evidence may appeal to you lot. So far for me it's no boy and his domestic dog, but it'southward great. I likewise think it will brand for some great cosplays! ha.

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ten /10

information technology's fresh, different, and a piffling real

What captured me to Steven Universe was definitely the unique art styling and amazing video game-similar music. I watched the first episode not knowing what to expect, and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. It had an innocent, down to earth feeling that made me retrieve the happiness of my childhood and the struggles of learning my ain talents. After that, I got hooked on everything, from all the characters to the grade A puns!

Each of the characters, pocket-sized and main, has their own personality that gives them life and humane attributes. If I'd imagine, I could probably see a Lars down the block, or maybe a Connie, reading in the library. Onion, by far, has to be my favorite, though, with his overall oddness and limited spoken language.

The drawing of the characters, as well, is and then dissimilar from what there is nowadays. There are all kinds of shapes and sizes for the characters, so many different colors and designs. It's not something I usually come across, and it'due south sort of... refreshing? Yeah! Highly recommended, with an added, "Don't knock it 'til you sentry it!"

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x /10

A celebration of Earth and what'southward on it

To me, Steven Universe is all the practiced things people have said, and farther it is a celebration of earth.

Beingness a sci-fi fan, when I first started watching Steven Universe I wanted them to activate the galaxy warp so bad, so the gems could explore the galaxy, and nosotros could find out more about what space is like and then that the Gems could explore other planets! A picayune while after the galaxy warp is first introduced, I all of a sudden didn't want them to get out the earth at all, they showed, maybe something nosotros all know to be true, the earth is special - even in a galaxy teaming with life.

This is something I have never seen in Sci-Fi books and films, commonly its the aliens which interest me. IN Steven Universe - it's the states!

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10 /10

Very underrated drawing

Steven Universe is incredibly underrated and such a not bad cartoon. I am a human in his 20s and even I found this such a cracking viewing experience despite this bear witness being meant for kids. It has really deep themes and circuitous characters. There's some bad episodes in the bunch but the episodes that tell the overarching story are astonishing. Steven Universe also has an amazing cast of characters and setting. Gem fusion is also a bully metaphor for relationships. 1 affair I didn't understand and was never explained is why there were no male gems besides Steven. This kind of frustrated me but is a very small-scale issue compared to all the expert the show has. Just scout it and you lot'll be very happy y'all gave information technology a chance.

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ten /10

Surprisingly Proficient

When I kickoff saw the commercial for this bear witness I thought it was going to be something completely rotten. Nevertheless, I was surprisingly proved incorrect afterwards falling in dear with the witty characters and exceptional storyline. The animation is spot-on, vocalization actors are astounding, and the theme song is actually very catchy. There is a deep connexion you feel with the "crystal gems" and I hope in the future they reveal more than nearly their backgrounds as the series progresses. In that location are many morals and truths in story, like the quote that Steven always says "If every pork chop was perfect, we wouldn't have any hot dogs!" Information technology's very true since if everyone was perfect, in that location would exist no one special. It'southward keen and and so far I can't find annihilation incorrect with it.

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10 /ten

Feel Skillful Cartoon Incarnate!

I Love STEVEN UNIVERSE! I think this series shows that Cartoon Network DOES take some of its creative staff seriously in introducing new concepts to kids shows. LGBT aliens raising a man-conflicting hybrid? By alien, I mean 'Crystal Gem'. This testify has some of the finest aliens to grace television: Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl: AND STEVEN! This bear witness is about that boy and his three aunt-similar mother figures who raise him and let him join their zany adventures across the universe. Steven Universe is gorgeous to watch, behold and leaves feel cracking! It makes y'all happy, makes you call up about the innocence of childhood, and the fantasy element is just that more than delicious for the mix. It's funny, blissful, and stress-complimentary pass time.

Are there whatever faults that I can say about this show? No. Non actually. Besides, maybe... Information technology's a shame that Russian censors will probably NEVER allow this go to air as family unit entertainment.

P.S. Garnet is my absolute favourite grapheme on the testify! She's badass; and oddly gorgeous.

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10 /10

Peak Blitheness

More often than not, I believe this show to be absolutely amazing. It had its flaws, but it was nonetheless an excellent journey. The show'south cast is full of endearing, yet realistic people; who are quite piece of cake to relate to. The show'south design, both in visuals and soundtrack, are gorgeous. And lastly, it'south writing was one of the greatest I've ever seen in cartoons. Despite what some may say, this testify is a wonderful feel. I'd recommend it for anyone since Steven Universe has mastered when to be mature, and when to exist goofy and charming. Give it a chance, part of the first season (and sixth) is crude, but y'all will Not regret watching.

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9 /x

Great but not...that smashing?

I really bad for not giving this the full 10. I approximate it'south because I only detect the characters annoying some of the times. The thing is, this is notwithstanding a great serial that people should check out. It's notable in being the first Cartoon Network show done entirely done by a adult female. I couldn't help only think of Lauren Faust's influence when thinking of Rebecca Sugar. The main characters are in fact all female, except for the main character, Steven. That's pretty clever if y'all call up about it. What'southward great is that the series originally seemed to exist mostly simply these superpowered gems doing mundane things. I actually similar it how they got more of a story and introduced more gems.

For me, the best episode is a very recent one where Peridot contacts Xanthous Diamond and actually tells her off! I guess you could call me a fan of the testify fifty-fifty if I don't love it THAT much. I'1000 so glad we're in such a great age of blitheness. My favorite character used to be Ameythest, just now I think I like Peridot more. She's only so funny and goes through real character development. While the show is definitely good, I wouldn't put information technology on the same level as "Adventure Fourth dimension" equally Doug Walker's Vlogs would. It helps that the animation is actually good. Pearl is probably the best drawn graphic symbol with how gracefully she moves. The voices are all very funny and have tons of emotion put into them.

Cartoon Network is actually nevertheless pretty hit and miss with other bad shows similar "Teen Titans Become!" and the now hated new "Powerpuff Girls" cartoon. I believe this is i of their all-time, even if information technology's not in my personal Peak 5. Steven is likable enough and the theme vocal is admittedly cheerful and and so much fun to listen to, especially the second one. It'south weird because I call up it was originally said the gems had no concept of sexuality, even though one had a son. It actually is heartwarming for Rose Quartz to give her life to take a son and quite developed. Over again, Ruby and Sapphire are more than or less confirmed to be lesbians, yet they don't understand sex? I have no problem with this and am glad a kid's testify is able to take this on. Thanks for legalizing gay union! ***ane/two out of ****.

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10 /10

Highly recommended (no spoilers)

This bear witness is highly addictive and entertaining. I never expected it to be this cracking. A friend recommended information technology to me since I am drawing fan. I only wish I had seen it sooner.

It's sometimes difficult to believe this is kids prove. The writing is top quality. The humor is subtle and intelligent. If you lot accept kids, you should definitely watch this with them. The themes are great. There are so many lessons to larn.

It'south entertaining for the whole family unit. Best of all, the episodes are pretty curt so you tin rampage scout hands.

Really worth watching! Check it out.

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ix /10

Fantastic piece of fine art,Go Steven Universe

The author "natebridgeman" evidently don't know what he'due south/she is talking virtually.These Character designs are very sharp and original,the gems are based on actual gems and their skin color match.I actually miss shows with abrupt geometric figures and I'm glad Rebecca Sugar brought this to her testify,and ironically the prove was nominated for a Annie awards for it'south completely original character designs (A great achievement).

The dialogue is similar "Program ix from Outer Space"? Yes because that makes sense,non once (So far) in the show accept they said anything well-nigh aliens or Zombies.The show is almost a kid name Steven Universe who is half precious stone (Mother side) and half human (Male parent side),who goes on "fun" and magical adventures with a female fighting squad chosen The Crystal Gems or for short "The Gems".Each gem is name after a gem except Steven who has a Rose-quart jewel,anyway they go on magical adventures and Steven sing songs, like come up on, a viii years former tin can understand the concept well enough to enjoy the show.

A pilot episode is a trial episode that's aired earlier the first series to judge audience response. They had 10 minutes and he/she was expecting a back story? No it doesn't work like that,even Hazard Time pilot (The show you praise)had no back story, but like the Steven Universe pilot it gave u.s.a. the sense to what evidence is most, and what nosotros tin can expect.

The quote you lot questioned "If every pork chop was perfect, we wouldn't accept hot dogs" is such a corking quote,and I love information technology.Information technology means if everyone was perfect (Pork chop) then we wouldn't be dissimilar or take originality (Hot domestic dog) information technology has nothing to do with meat message wise.The show actually cover not being perfect which is why I love information technology,and also why the character designs are so different from each other (Various body shapes,hair style,etc.) find how Steven mess up constantly merely they never become mad,no they embrace him for learning of experience.

Usually I would ignore stupidity from such a person just I couldn't let him/her become around the internet bashing something he admits to not knowing.My only problem about the show is that it'south a musical but I've only heard 1 song, like come on more music,I love your songs Rebecca Sugar but other than that great prove,and the groundwork music is just amazing.

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ten /10

Really Impressive

Steven Universe is just one of the best cartoons i've ever watched in all my life.

Perfect characters, perfect soundtrack and perfect blitheness. The Cartoon Network is Really COMING BACK ! Like the cartoons of the beginning of 21s century, Steven Universe it's a masterpiece.

Good Soundtrack, practiced vocalism acting, charismatics characters and a perfect introduction.

Just like The Amazing Globe of Gumball, Regular Show and Adventure Time, Steven Universe is 1 of the best cartoons that CN has e'er fabricated in all his existence.

At present it's my favorite Cartoon.

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10 /10

One of The Best, Most Original Cartoons to Come into Existence

This show has everything! It has character evolution, originality, terrific music, terrific writing, easter eggs, action, adventure, scientific discipline fiction, fantasy, terrific art, all stuffed to the skirt with originality, charm, self-sensation, innovation, and charisma! This prove is a BEAUTIFUL piece of piece of work!

Season 1 isn't the best flavor. In fact, it's probably the worst; just even Then, it's withal good! Since the flavour i finale, everything merely skyrocketed with excellence! The music is SOARING with originality! The show is but EXPLODING with grapheme, EXPLODING with emotion! There'southward not even 1 character that I found unlikable in this evidence! I oasis't found a single thing I don't like about this bear witness!

The music is only FILLED with SO much emotion, originality, and charisma! The show'due south concept and storytelling are FLOODED with originality and talent! It's FILLED to the skirt with innovation, talent, self-awareness, charisma, charm, talent, and originality!

Instead of feeling similar you're watching a simple cartoon, you experience like you lot're watching a high-quality original moving-picture show SCREAMING with pure emotion, SCREAMING with originality, that was released in theaters!

In determination, the sheer beauty of this show is enough to melt you away! This is the kind of stuff Cartoon Network and others NEED!

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10 /10

Very likely one of the best cartoons of all time, in my opinion

Wow, just, wow. I have no idea why I have dismissed this show for so long. After watching the entire serial upwards to this indicate, I have to say that this is my favorite evidence. I'k non sure if I can explain this show in a manner that will practise information technology justice, just I will try my best...

-Allow's get the big affair out of the way first: the characters. In my opinion, the characters in this show are the almost realistic-feeling, relatable, lovable, layered, and imperfect characters in all of television. If you asked me to option a favorite character, I wouldn't exist able to. Most the entire bandage is so expert! Fifty-fifty the characters I don't similar take their neat moments, and they are well-written, so I tin can't say I detest them. Even the villains are likable, because I understand their intentions and considering they are well-written and vastly humanized. Virtually every graphic symbol is given extensive development throughout the series. For example, lets look at the championship character, Steven. Subsequently the first few episodes, I would say that Steven was a kind-hearted, naive, and, to be honest, annoying kid that was struggling to control his powers, but was enthusiastic and wanting to aid anyways. At present, I would say that he is a mature young teen (though still a kid at heart sometimes) that knows bad things are happening, and even though he doesn't always understand them he is willing to fight for the greater skillful, though he would rather apply violence every bit a final resort. Non just that, but no character is perfect, or a "Mary Sue", in any way, shape or class. The graphic symbol'southward imperfections are what make them more than realistic, layered and likable, and information technology shows that nobody is perfect, merely nosotros tin can still try to better. I've rambled on for a while now, and so permit'south talk about some other aspect.

-The animation is wonderful. While it is a little ugly during some early episodes, it grows to get more consistent and good. Now, I would say that the blitheness ranges from simple and cute, to absolutely stunning. Just look at the backgrounds in most episodes! They're beautiful! The movements are realistic-looking and, just, the animation is all effectually cracking. Though, 1 of the bigger problems with the serial is that it sometimes goes off-model, but that isn't a bargain billow for me at all.

-The voice acting is exceptionally expert. The VA's seriously have a lot of emotional range. Many of the VA's are singers or Broadway stars, then they have a lot of musical talent as well. Speaking of music...

-THE MUSIC IN THIS Prove IS Amazing. The groundwork music ranges from catchy chiptune manner music, to intense battle themes, to absolutely beautiful piano arrangements. There are also many lyrical songs in the serial, and I love them all. Some songs are awesome and/or insanely catchy, some songs are sugariness, and some songs are tear-jerkingly emotional.

-The plot is intriguing, exiting, immensely original and creative, and for the nearly office, well paced. During major story arcs I am always on the edge of my seat, exited for what's to come. There is rarely any tropes either. This show instead takes tropes, flips them on their heads, and builds skyscrapers of evolution and plot off of them. Information technology as well tends to go along many things mysterious and secretive, and it likes to foreshadow many things in advance, so expect to be theorizing many things. This evidence does take a lot of quote-on-quote "filler", merely a) They still deal with character development, world building, and minor issues well-nigh every time, and b) I have never minded most filler episodes of shows anyways. That'southward where the second of the shows biggest issues comes in. Every bit the stakes become higher, these "filler" episodes feel more than and more out of place, though not by a very large margin IMO. This would barely be an consequence, IF CARTOON NETWORK Actually AIRED MORE THEN 2 NEW EPISODES EVERY iii MONTHS! If you lot can bargain with that, so you'll be perfectly fine.

-It'south one of the nearly progressive shows of this generation. Aye there's the obvious stuff, like Steven's non-nuclear "family", the wide range of body types represented, the abundance of stiff female characters, and fifty-fifty many openly gay characters. Steven Universe has fifty-fifty more than upwards it's sleeve though. It deals with bug and issues such as loosing a loved one, dealing with anxiety and PTSD, abusive relationships, request for consent, and many, MANY others. Cartoons from just 10 years ago wouldn't touch on things similar this with a xx ft. pole, much less integrate them into the plot in such clever, respectable, and mature ways.

-Finally, Steven Universe spans over many different genres and themes. It tin be a very lighthearted and comedic cartoon at times. Episodes like this are cute and give me a take a chance to escape reality, fifty-fifty if merely for eleven minutes. Some episodes are plot-heavy and exiting, and as stated earlier, always accept me on the edge of my seat. Some episodes are very dark and agonizing. Yeah, this is a very lighthearted show, but when information technology wants to become nighttime, it gets darker than some adult shows I have seen. No matter how dark the series gets, though, it nonetheless manages to go back to being lighthearted. Lastly, some episodes may exist intriguing, deep, and heartbreakingly emotional. Don't be surprised if you lot detect yourself shedding a tear or 2. I'one thousand not a very emotional person and I am unashamed to admit that I cried multiple times while watching this show.

If you read my wall of text up until this bespeak, then congratulations! You are almost done! Now for the third of the biggest things incorrect with the series: the offset is a fiddling weak, slow moving, and childish. I didn't mind the beginning at all, merely I can come across that it is definitely NOT everybody's cup of tea. If y'all tin make it to about episode 25, then trust me, you volition dearest information technology. The episodes are only 11 minutes each, and so it's easy to sentry like, two a night until yous get to the really skilful stuff.

All in all, this series is a masterpiece. It is not flawless, merely it'southward flaws are about nonexistent when compared to everything Steven Universe does right. It isn't every bit consistently expert equally something like Gravity Falls, simply information technology very often reaches high points that are even higher than Gravity Falls' loftier points (in my opinion, of form). If yous take the time to stick with it, then I promise you lot will NOT regret it. If you want a good episode to watch before the remainder of the series, to see if information technology's correct for you, so I suggest Sworn to the Sword.

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9 /10

I would love to give it a 10/10 but...

Warning: Spoilers

This is one of my favorite shows of all fourth dimension. I was genuinely surprised past how exciting, funny, and intense this evidence is. I retrieve when the starting time advertisements for the testify came out and I idea information technology was going to be just another dumb attempt by Cartoon Network. But holy crap was I proven wrong and in a big way! Obviously.

Animation: Cute.

Comedy: Funny!

Earth-edifice: Patient and fun!

Vocalisation interim: Spectacular! Fifty-fifty from the kid actors.

Heroes: Well-defined, similar-able, and interesting.

Villains: Intimidating, circuitous, and fun.

Music: Catchy and generally, a vocal volition go stuck in your head.

Story: Unpredictable!

Lore: Very well thought out.

Attending to particular: Insane!

In other words, this show is clearly a passion projection of it'southward creator, Rebecca Sugar, and it really shows!

Then why don't I give information technology a 10? Well, I have issues with some of the writing. It can be admittedly awesome; come across higher up. Only there are some iffy and fifty-fifty unnecessary lines of dialogue, likewise as some things that don't make any sense at all, conveniences, and grapheme inconsistencies. Granted, there are very few instances of the latter, simply they are at that place nonetheless.

Speaking of things that don't make any sense, based on everything we're told about the Diamonds, their interactions with each other and lower Gems, there is no way they would give up their evil ways so easily. They were developed as arrogant, ignorant, violent dictators that take ruthlessly slaughtered trillions over the course of a million years or then. And at no signal did they show whatsoever remorse for their actions prior to their turning points. Yellow herself fifty-fifty says during her first appearance, "I will take immense satisfaction in erasing that hideous rock off of our star maps." And before saying that, she clearly implies that all organic life is inferior and has no right to live. As far every bit I'thousand concerned, the fifth flavour should've ended with an epic battle wherein one or two or more of the chief characters die and the Diamonds and tons of their loyal Precious stone subjects become with them. Like, Steven realizes the only way to stop the Diamonds is to shatter them. He doesn't want to do it but he has to. And then that would brand what Garnet said near the end of "Back to the Moon" foreshadowing. (Could that serve as foreshadowing? I wish yous guys could tell me.) And don't be like, "Simply it's a kid'due south bear witness." There is some very dark, disturbing imagery in this evidence! They showed White Diamond yanking Steven'due south gem from his stomach! And, this goes without maxim, Steven is a child! And afterwards he lost his gem, the show bothered to evidence him suffering intense pain and begging for his life! Hither's another example: Lapis nearly drowned Steven and Connie past trapping their heads in bubbles filled with h2o, and drowning is 1 of the summit three worst ways to dice. And Steven and Connie are both children. As well, each Diamond was put in a situation that forced them to change, naturally. Each situation was forced and impaired.

And as for the finale, it was and so unsatisfying. I hateful, it was stuff we've seen before! The supporting characters healing the main protagonist with the power of love. And the supporting characters keeping emotions bottled upwards because they were agape information technology would dissuade the principal grapheme from pursuing their goals.

However, I will give the show credit that the problems listed to a higher place do not ruin the testify for me. That'southward due to all the positive aspects I listed higher up, the fact there are so many episodes to take into consideration, and, absolutely, there is a small office of me that likes seeing the Diamonds being overnice and funny.

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viii /x

I take a feeling Feminists would dearest this show (because I exercise)

Warning: Spoilers

Steven Universe is a show written and directed by one of the atomic number 82 animators off Adventure Time, and it shows.

Basically Steven Universe is about Steven, a young, chubby male child who is a 'gem' in grooming. Gems are, in this universe, a race of superpowered humanoid creatures that have literal gems placed on their body. When a certain 'energy' is channeled through them (which varies from person to person)the Precious stone tin summon a weapon to use in combat to protect the earth.

So that's the lore, and that seems pretty regular, but I mentioned feminism, so what's that about?

Well, besides Steven, the other 3 principal characters are women. Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl are all very different looking, well realized characters from the get become, and more surprisingly, they have different torso types. While female characters in nigh shows have the same torso blazon (that being big breasts, small waist, and large hips), in this show there'southward a stark variety. Garnet is alpine and muscular, Amethyst is short and curvy, and Pearl is very skinny. The fact that there is such visual variety betwixt the unlike characters is staggering, and I very much enjoy the differentiation.

Even Steven is a very unique atomic number 82 character. He is a little on the chubby side, which is very unlike from most leading young male characters. About larger male child characters are pushed into the 'one-act relief side-kick' slot, and although Steven is very quirky, he isn't a side-kick, he is his own character.

Finally thematically, Steven Universe is on par with Adventure Time. There was a fantastic episode early in the series where Steven packs a bag total of weird stuff to continue an adventure. At outset information technology seems to be a typical "quirky person solves every problem using strange items" episode, simply out of the four challenges they met, he simply solved two of them, and failed the other two. It was as well seeming to lead to a typical situation where a person who commonly solves the issues becomes jealous of the person getting all the praise, but it subverts that trope by having Steven'southward ideas not always working out. It's a very mature and very rare moral to have, that not all your ideas will work out in the terminate, but that doesn't hateful you shouldn't try.

So there you have information technology. Steven Universe is a great series, and I am looking forward to where it heads from here.

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10 /10

Overall excellent show! Many adept qualities to consider:

Warning: Spoilers

Let's start with the visuals. The backgrounds are simple yet beautiful and unique. The animation is fluid and the character'due south expressions are always on the dot and emotional or comical when need be for either. The characters' designs and color palettes are pretty and plumbing equipment for each individual. Using that as a segue, I'd similar to talk about the characters. The characters develop well over time, adding to the plot of the evidence. Since the characters are pretty realistic compared to other television programs, the likablility of a character depends on who is judging. For example, Steven Universe is not the brightest kid, and his excitement tin be a bit much to handle, but he has moments where he tin can calm downward and empathize with people. Some viewers love him, some viewers hate him; it depends on the viewer. Too, when a sure character has a sudden burst when remembering a lost loved 1, the viewers can feel pity for the graphic symbol, but also see the nitty- gritty selfishness and jealousy come out of said grapheme. For some, this is an accurate reaction for trying to cope with the lost for a loved 1. The groundwork music fits perfectly for the mood; whether information technology be sad, emotional scenes such as what was previously mentioned, the funny and peaceful scenes, or the exciting battle scenes. The songs that the characters sing, which isn't that often for those of you aren't into that, are beautiful and well-written. One of my favorite parts of this show is the story and lore. Since the prove, for the about part, is seen from Steven's perspective, we acquire more than as the show goes on. We learn virtually why the Crystal Gems are there in the starting time place, and more of what they are. It's hard to explain without spoiling besides much, and so y'all should just sentry it! As serious as the testify could be, though, it has plenty of humour to balance information technology out. Even more to add, the show sends many good letters to the children that scout the show. They teach kids that fifty-fifty when something doesn't turn out the fashion y'all want it to, it just gives opportunities for other good things to happen (If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs!); others are nevertheless people, and deserve to be given a chance because no one is truly evil (This is seen in basically every moment Steven has to effigy out how to solve an problem that someone else is causing); etc. In that location is so much more, merely I tin can just hold someone's attention for so long.

TL;DR: The music, visuals, plot, characters, and letters in the show are all worth a chance, and will likely capture your heart.

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10 /10

This is probably the bear witness that volition stick with me for the residuum of my life!

Alarm: Spoilers

Steven Universe is probably the best cartoon and Telly show I have always watched. The emotions, the action, the characters, all only become to you and you lot feel what they experience in the story. I dearest this cartoon, and I take loved it ever since it came out. It is such an underrated prove and I believe this is suitable for whatever age group effectually the whole world. I used to get excited when Regular Bear witness and Amazing World of Gumball releases new episodes, but now Regular Show has ended and I have to admit it turned in to a show that I disliked. My favourite character in Steven Universe, has to Amethyst, because this girl (*CONTAINS SPOILERS NOW!*) has gone through and so much from being a crystal jewel. When she was built-in, she was born deformed and she was unlike from her ain kind, and she has hated this about herself ever since and Pearl just reminds her of these dreadful moments in Amethyst's life. And this brings me to my to the lowest degree favourite character: Pearl. (*SPOILER*) She is only and then annoying at times and when she talks about Rose, I just get so annoyed that Steven never got to see his own mother and she is only crying about how Rose never kept secrets from her. Don't get me wrong she is very caring and very sweet merely she is my least favourite because she is very attached to Rose and I experience and I think many people feel she needs to motion on, because even Greg has moved on!

I recommend this prove to anyone out there who is bored and needs a new show and caution, your gonna get attached and your gonna want to lookout man this for the rest of your life.

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10 /x

1 of my favorite animations...it deserves a lookout

This series follows the story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his magical guardians, the Crystal Gems, in the fictional tone of Beach City. One-half-Jewel, half-human Steven adventures with his friends, working with them to protect the world from other Gems, learning more than virtually himself and others along the mode. This series has some of the best LGBTQ representation autonomously from Carole & Tuesday, She-Ra and the Princesses of Ability (in some respects), and Danger & Eggs. Every bit a result, I would requite this series a rating of ten.

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10 /ten

Information technology really is i of Drawing Networks best

I grew upwardly during the CN archetype era with shows like Dexter's lab, Ed, Edd northward Eddy, Johnny Bravo, Powerpuff girls, Courage the Cowardly domestic dog, etc. Those are all smashing shows that will be forever remembered, simply this cartoon right here......IS QUITE LITERALLY Ane OF THE BEST THINGS I'VE EVER SEEN. Flow.

I know people are gonna be stubborn and non believe that a fairly new cartoon could hold upwards if non beat the classics, merely Steven Universe really is that proficient. I was stubborn virtually this show too. I first heard about it in 2022 when a Youtuber I follow (now a close friend of mine) ranked it as the number 1 Cartoon Network testify and number 1 best modern cartoon. I was baffled, thinking "This prove right hither? Better than Courage, Samurai Jack, Teen Titans, PowerPuff girls, Johnny Bravo, and fifty-fifty FOSTERS Domicile FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS??? Nah...." I of class respected his opinion only didn't requite it much more idea.

All that would change little over a year later

Finally in Fall of 2016, while taking college classes and experiencing the stress of my kickoff Presidential election I was able to vote in, I decided to requite this prove a take a chance. I wanted to spotter something to accept my heed off of all the stress going on in the world around me. Thinking: "Well it's probably a fine cartoon. Not i that will hold upwards to the classics but I should be able to get some enjoyment from this show" I gave it a watch. Within weeks (days even), information technology became not just my favorite cartoon I'd seen in recent years, non merely my favorite piece of animation overall, but it began a passion I now have for animation.

It is considering of Steven Universe that I now take very existent involvement in becoming an animator or cartoonist. It is because of Steven Universe that I see animation for a truly beautiful art form that tin truly move people when used to its very best. And then what if information technology's "technically a kids show"? THIS is a cartoon fabricated by people that truly care nigh what they are making, the messages they are sending, and truly immersing people in the world they have created. THIS.....is a beautifully made cartoon.

I volition forever concur the cartoons of my babyhood in great regard, such as Nickelodeon classics similar Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, and Avatar: The terminal Airbender. But this show truly holds up well to those classics, and I hope information technology is remembered as i in coming years.

What makes this bear witness so great? Well aside from a corking story, corking characters, Bang-up music, great background art, and only Amazing grapheme development, this show is just a simple coming-of-age story about a boy who cares deeply almost the world he lives in, and wants to keep it and the people of planet Globe safe. Not but to live up to his mom's greatness, but to be even better! He has the ability (well KIND of) to protect his home, and he volition do what he tin to brand sure of it with equally little violence equally possible. But he will face many groovy challenges that brand this chore harder and harder for him to accomplish. Will he be able to keep his domicile safe without whatsoever trouble, or will he take to make sacrifices in lodge to protect his friends and family? (The latter makes this show more heady, and you will DEFINITELY encounter it equally the show goes on!)

Information technology starts off very elementary, only develops into something so much more, and that too makes this show i of the best things I have ever seen. I've never seen a show develop and then incredibly well equally Steven Universe. The evidence own't perfect, but since when is ANY drawing or movie perfect? Of class it'due south gonna have flaws, and it isn't for everyone simply for those who can tolerate a slightly more laid-back and irksome testify as Steven Universe, I highly recommend information technology.

People will hate this show for a number of reasons. Anywhere from its messages that not everyone will agree with, to it's relatively slow pace, and to other pocket-sized things. Only overall, information technology is a cracking testify well-nigh a kid who cares securely for his friends and family, and doesn't want to take to hurt anyone in social club to ensure their rubber. Well worth the watch in my opinion.

I give it a solid x/10 for it's beautiful themes and cute story and beautiful animation. Give this prove a get! I discover it incredibly mature for a kids prove, somewhat more than mature than a lot of "adult" shows out at that place (coughing Coughing Family Guy COUGH.....)

The latest episode is probably the best in the whole evidence, and it is worth the five seasons to spotter to get there! And the movie is gear up to premiere on September 2nd. I know I will be there to meet information technology! :)

Back from March 2022 after the series has entirely concluded. Tin say the motion picture is excellent, and SU: Futurity fantastic! But is the dark kind of fantastic, and you will likely cry as it gets to the end. Human being did I cry a LOT watching this testify. Information technology'due south 1 of the reasons I like it so much. Not often does a cartoon play with my emotions this much, and I love information technology cause it reminds me how human I am. :)

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8 /10

A "unique" evidence that does something unlike, only I understand the criticism

Steven Universe is not a perfect show; however, information technology also does things in such an interesting style that I cannot really hate except for a few things.

Let me leap right into why I like this show: Information technology is beautiful. This show isn't merely "nice" to look at, it is gorgeous. While the animation sometimes drops in quality at times, it all the same looks beautiful as far as colors go.

Now, the one thing that I find fascinating nigh this show is the mood it creates. This show has a mood that I oasis't felt in any other show... a sort of... melancholy even so peaceful atmosphere. Everything in the testify is "elation" only it isn't "happy". So at that place are a lot of beautiful moments, but more similar when 1 watches the sunset. It is a great feeling, only it isn't necessarily a happy one.

This is very different from a lot of shows because you can watch the testify and non feel stressed. Even the activeness sequences in the show never really experience like they are life-threatening. This gives the testify a very distinct feel where the activity is soothing and just about everything is really squeamish to look at.

This leads to one of the big bug with the testify: Steven. Steven isn't a horrible character, just he isn't a actually outstanding character. He is an overweight, loud, yet very kind kid who wants to help other people, just generally his attention span or his intelligence go in the manner. And so information technology is about a child who is trying to overcome his shortcomings (which is a good bulletin) only the show should've tried to brand a chip less annoying or stupid. Sometimes his stupidity is obnoxious.

Overall, a very relaxing and interesting prove. Definitely worth a watch if you are willing to watch a evidence that focuses less on the humor and more on the beauty.

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10 /10


The testify if freaking fantastic. Well, I can't decide which is meliorate - Steven Universe or Regular Prove.

Every episode of this show is crawly. The characters are bang-up. The whole story of the show is super.

Steven is half human, half crystal jewel. The crystal gems are creatures, who almost look like human beings. He lives in Embankment Urban center with 3 other gems - Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet. Steven's mother has died, simply his begetter is alive and lives in a van. Steven and the Crystal gems live in a business firm, about Beach City. Steven is yet unable to fully uses his powers but he progress.

Steven Universe is a fantastic prove to follow every week then information technology gets x.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3061046/reviews

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